Elevatus Architecture, Indiana Tech Break Ground for Addition and Renovation Project

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May 18

Elements in Creating a Design Scheme

Elevatus Architecture's Author Photo
Elevatus Architecture

When designing a building, many pieces must come together for a project to come to life; Everything from choosing a variety of building materials to the final placement of furniture before a client moves into their space. One of the most important elements of this process is choosing an overall design scheme for your building or project. This bring ...

May 18

The Post-COVID-19 Work Environment: How the pandemic forced transformation in an environment reluctant to change

Sam Schaust's Author Photo
Sam Schaust

In the early 19th century, a Welsh textile manufacturer named Robert Owen coined the slogan "Eight hours labor, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest" while advocating for improving working conditions within the manufacturing industry. Over time, that slogan manifested itself into the typical daily formula many of our lives still follow 200 year ...